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16 March 2014

Intelligence from the spiritual world

Will the intelligence explain this passage – Luke 24:19 – Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself – handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. If it was a spirit body, why did he say he had flesh and bones? and why did he eat?

Concerning this particular case, we have no positive knowledge, for that is born only of one's experience but judging from analogy, we suppose that if Christ had passed through the change called death and if he was, after passing through that change, a dweller within a sufficiently condensed body as to be able to meet the senses of humanity, we are to suppose that that body was formed of material particles and these were drawn from mediumistic bodies and the atmosphere. The same has been done in your day, is being done all over the land and it is vain for the sceptic to cry out, I do not believe it – vain, so far as staying the light is concerned, for it will continue to roll on until all the darkness is dispersed. I suppose this body that the disciples handled, this body that he was said to have, was composed of flesh and blood and bones; was a material body, formed for the occasion, as I have said, out of the atmosphere and some mediumistic body or bodies. I do not believe in the resurrection of the body of Jesus after death – the material, natural body. Science gives that theory the lie. It is in no sense true. We are told that everything is possible with God but we know that God acts by eternal, immutable law and we know he never tramples on that law. It is always the same. Now, then, if Jesus had passed through the change called death, there was an entire and distinct separation between himself spiritual and himself natural. Therefore, if he had such a body as could be handled, recognised by humanity, it was a body formed for the occasion. 

The progress and happiness of society in the world, in all ages, have been impeded and marred by bad men – monsters, I would say – from the unprincipled politicians in our midst to kings, emperors and popes. I desire to know if those frauds on mankind still hold their influence in the spiritual world?

To a certain extent they do. You should consider that all that this life has produced, all that belongs to it, either natural or spiritual, is in the imperfect state consequent on the imperfect state of the earth. It has not yet arrived at that point of perfection by which it can sustain good men entire or good women entire. There are poisonous plants everywhere on the surface of the earth and there are poisonous theories everywhere. There is spiritual poison, as there is material poison and both, I believe, are legitimate children of this planet, the earth. Now, then, as the earth grows, becomes more perfect, more spiritually unfolded and more naturally unfolded, it will give you a higher type, not only in the vegetable, mineral and animal but in the spiritual. But all these things come by slow degrees. The world was not made in six days by any means. Man was not created in the twinkling of an eye but thousands on thousands, ay, millions on millions of years rolled away before thought was born. Now you have just as good a class of men and women on the earth as the earth can take care of. Be satisfied; work on, as the earth works on. The earth does not complain. It performs its mission and I am much inclined to think you will all perform yours, whether you desire to or not.

Will this world not receive, before long, some astounding, intelligence from the spiritual world? Will the gates of the spiritual world not be opened, so that we shall have a flood of light that will sweep away darkness, superstition, priests and popes in one general ruin? 

That very thing is being done as fast as there is any necessity for its being done. You are receiving today all the light you can bear, all you are ready for. The spirit-world has, indeed, a great ocean of light, in the shape of truths that are new to you, to bestow on you when you are ready to receive them. Milk for babes, meat for mature age.

Is there not organised, in the spirit-world, a congress to control and direct the great spiritual movements in the earth-life?

There is such a group of spirits as your correspondent refers to but they do not control the affairs of earth-life – not by any means. They only exert as much influence over those affairs as they are able to, by and through the instruments that they find on the earth. Sometimes, although they may desire to influence largely in certain directions, they may be prohibited from doing so because of the want of some instrument through whom to manifest. Sometimes the atmosphere is against them, sometimes the soil. Different localities produce different thoughts, as well as different material influences.

Theodore Parker (Spirit)

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