/> How to Heal Your Mind and Spirit: Healing You!: How is sin its own punishment? UA-45840438-1

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17 September 2024

How is sin its own punishment?

I understand from the controlling spirit that there is no forgiveness for sin—

An inevitable penalty follows every transgression of any law of your being.

What becomes of the penalty when pains are removed and diseases healed?

Returning spirits always inform you that there is no forgiveness for sins.

Every sin begets its own judge and the judge begets its punishment.

The three are so closely allied you cannot separate them.

When you commit a sin against your physical nature, suffering is the consequence.

When you commit a sin against your spiritual nature, spiritual suffering is the consequence—

You produce punishment—

A state of inharmony—

The spirit lives in heaven only by living in harmony—

When it lives in the opposite, it lives in hell—whether on the earth, under the earth
or in the skies.

When it is in an inharmonious condition, it is in hell.

There are many degrees of inharmony, as of harmony.

There are many degrees of heaven, as hell.

You suffer a certain degree of hell by unconsciously outraging the laws of your physical being.

The law does not excuse you because you do not understand the law.

The law is no respecter of personsor of ages.

You fall beneath its stroke, as matureor old age falls beneath its stroke.

It never fails to visit justice and judgment on all who place themselves in antagonism to it.

Your correspondent asks how it is in the case of cures performed by certain healing agents on the earth.

There is an end to all conditions of existence.

Conditions are changeable—

They end that they may give place to others.

Disease and inharmony are only the conditions of life—subject to change.

When the punishment has been severe enough, the change comes.

When the suffering one has suffered to an extent sufficient to induce him to seek the proper remedy, then there is a time to change.

The spirit has received chastisement sufficient for the time, therefore, salvation steps in in consequence of the exercise of reason.

Now, when the criminal descends lower and still lower in crime—

When his spirit has been deluged again and again with that which follows crime—

That mental suffering—

That unrest—

That dissatisfaction—

When I say it has been deluged again and again, by and by it begins to reason.

The God without says to the God within—

Come now and let us reason together!

The God without says to the God within—

Come now and let us reason together!

The result is the soul begins to feel that there is a better way and that that way is for it, as for others.

It begins to seek to know of that way—

To understand it—

To walk in it—

To pass out of the darkness of the present and enter the light of the future and then begin a newer existence—

Then the fogs and mists and inharmonies that are the result of crime begin to pass away and the soul begins to be resurrected from it.

Is it by direct interposition of the great All-Father without in the Universe?

The spirit rests, progresses and leaves the world by virtue of that glorious germ of progression that the Infinite has implanted within it.

The germ cannot always remain in darkness.

It will eventually find its way to the light and eventually disperse the shadows.

—Spirit William E. Channing

Cat's Eye Nebula | NASA, ESA, HEIC and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgment—R. Corradi (Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, Spain) and Z. Tsvetanov (NASA)

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