/> How to Heal Your Mind and Spirit: Healing You!: What is the Christ-sphere? UA-45840438-1

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18 February 2024

What is the Christ-sphere?

My general impression was that of brightness, almost dazzling―

The air scintillated like diamonds―it almost crackled, it was so full of electricity―my feet did not have a very firm grip of the ground.

There were bands and processions of people, white-robed―all going in one direction.

They moved with uplifted faces, singing beautiful music. 

We joined the rear of one group, and were almost swept along on a tide of intense feeling.

We came to a building without any walls. 

It consisted of a roof, which seemed to be composed of interwoven rays of light of different colours, supported by pillars, which looked as if they were made of mother-of-pearl.

There were crowds of people all round―

Raised above all others stood one glowing, radiant figure. 

I knew at once it was Christ, and instinctively fell on my knees―

He was not like any picture I have ever seen. 

I was so conscious of Him that I felt as if He was bending over me. 

His eyes seemed to penetrate me and produce a wonderful glow. 

I felt uplifted in a culminating thrill of ecstasy. 

He was speaking, but I could not hear the words.

As I knelt there, many events of my life passed in review through my mind. 

I could visualise them as pictures. 

My memory seemed stored with records―

Not alone of the life I had just left, but of others in the faraway past―

As the various scenes presented themselves, I seemed to realise the different lessons I had learned through these experiences, and to know that all the events of my life had been leading up to this.

Know that all the events of your life are leading up to this.

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