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11 October 2023

What are the souls of humanity?

The whole Arcana of Nature—

Spiritual and material—

Can be opened by the one who seeks—

With patient investigation—

To penetrate its mysteries.

Spiritual knowledge—

Like gems hidden in the bowels of the earth—

Is only to be reached by patient upturning of the soil.

Spirits are the souls of humanity.

Among them are charlatans, beggars, murderers, thieves, simpletons, mingled with good and pure souls—intelligent, loyal, honest and sympathetic beings.

Fret not thyself because of evil doers has been the prayer of aspirants after spiritual truths from time immemorial.

No one can navigate the air in a child's boat.

To navigate the spiritual heavens requires also the appliances of science.

The great statesmen and thinkers who have passed from earth do not entertain themselves by performing curious tricks to amuse and awaken the wonder of mankind.

Accept pure and noble teachings—

Though they come from an ignoble source—

As the thirsty traveller drinks fresh, pure water from a dirty cup.

Remember that a golden vessel may contain rank poison.

You cannot force the heavens by a storm of artillery to hear your prayers.

Speak to nature, in her own language, and she will listen to you.

By shutting your eyes, you cannot prevent the sunlight from warming you—

Neither by denouncing spiritualism can you prevent spirits from influencing you.

If you extol Christ's example because He was a God, how much more should you admire it, as he was a man.

All the possibilities of Heaven and Hell are incarnate in man, as the octave embodies the grandest musical compositions, for a full orchestra.

—Spitit Benjamin Franklin

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