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07 June 2013

The Joy of Heaven

Franchezzo rescues an unhappy spirit whose repentant prayers have reached the higher spheres –

And in this man's heart there had sprung up a desire, hopeless, as it seemed to himself, for better things, for a path to open before him which, however hard and thorny, might lead him from this night of Hell and give him even at this eleventh hour the hope of a life removed from the horrors of this place.

As Franchezzo retreats to the door, grasping firm hold of the poor spirit who had sought to help him, Franchezzo sees four majestic spirits from the higher spheres making magnetic passes over the unfortunate's prostrate form.  Franchezzo beholds the most wonderful sight he has ever seen. From the dark disfigured body which lies as in a sleep of death there arises a mist-like vapour which grows more and more dense until it takes shape in the form of the spirit himself; the purified soul of that spirit released from its dark envelope.  Franchezzo sees those four angelic spirits lift the still unconscious risen soul in their arms as one would bear a child.

At his side stands another bright angel who says to him – 

Be of good cheer, oh! Son of the Land of Hope, for many shalt thou help in this dark land, and great is the joy of the angels in Heaven over these sinners that have repented.

Bouguereau's L'Innocence

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