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19 June 2013

What have disgraced the annals of all time?


This is as a charnel-house of mouldering bones and dead skeletons, but now you are come to join me we shall see if we cannot combined do something to make ourselves feared if not obeyed by the dwellers of the earth. 

I have had many a disappointment in you—oh! son of our noble race, and I feared you would escape me at last. 

I have tried for years to draw you down but was ever baffled by some unseen power. 

Once and again, when I deemed I had beyond doubt made all things sure, you would shake me off and break away from all control until I had well-nigh abandoned the struggle.

But I do not yield readily to anyone, and when I could not be with you myself, I sent some of my henchmen to do you service— 

Ho! ho! service— 

Yes, service—

nd so here [in the world of spirits] you are at last, and by my faith you shall not again leave me. 

Behold how fair are the pleasures I have prepared for you.

The dark prince took Spirit Franchezzo's hand—

His burned with more than the fire of fever—

And led him to a seat beside him.  

Spirit Franchezzo hesitated, then resolved to sit down and see this adventure out.  

He prayed in his heart to be kept safe from temptation.  

A wild weird sensuous strain of music sounded in his ears 

Spirit Franchezzo had long been deprived of the solace of that heavenly art—

Swelled—died away—and rose again. 

No music of earth could have been at once so beautiful 
and so horriblecould at the same time intoxicate and inflame the brain and heart and yet fill the soul with so intense a feeling of fear and repugnance.

And then before them rose a great black mirror in which he saw reflected the earth and its life—

And he himself swaying the minds and thoughts of thousands through the fevered fascinations of such music, which he could make his, and through its spell waken the lowest, yet the most refined passions until those who heard the music should lose themselves and their souls under its potent witchery.

Spirit Franchezzo was shown armies and nations dominated to ambitious ends by the dark lord and his influence so that he reigned again as a despot through the organism of an earthly tyrant. 

Here, too,  Spirit Franchezzo should share his power.

Spirit Franchezzo saw the power in intellect—in literature, which he could control and influence through the imaginative descriptive faculties of individuals who—under his prompting—would write such books as appealed to the reason, the intellect and sensual passions until the false glamour thrown over them should cause men to view with indulgence, and even approval, the most revolting ideas, and the most abominable teachings.

He showed Spirit Franchezzo picture-after-picture, illustrating how spirit-lives possessed with sufficient willpower and knowledge could use men as mere tools through which to satisfy their lust for power and sensual enjoyments of every sort.  

Spirit Franchezzo had never fully realised the vast extent of mischief possible to such a being were it not for those higher powers who imposed checks, and whose wills were as strong as his.  

He knew them as an unseen force opposed to him, which baffled his efforts at every turn unless he could find a congenial medium and work together as one. 

Then indeed did sorrow and devastation and monsters—triumphant and wicked—as have disgraced the annals of all times, follow in their train.

Now, thank heaven, these are growing fewer and farther between, as the human race and the spirit spheres become purified through the teachings of the angels of the celestial spheres.

Juggling on the Berlin Wall on 16 November 1989 – Yann (CC-by-SA-3.0)

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