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27 March 2024

What is expressed through you?

All is the power of mind expressed through you who are a reflection of God.

Do not say the word!

There is nothing to be afraid of—do not say the word. 

It means more than you think. 

You must believe nothing, which is an element of fear. 

Face the situation, and you will find that things will straighten out for you in time. 

Trust—never lose perfect faith. 

You are a reflection of the Great Mind, and you are fearless and free.

The world is a reflection of God.

The world is a reflection of God. 

You are a constructor of thought, and that thought is God. 

God created you as His idea. 

Once that idea―you never die―your reflection is a part of the creator. 

The astral schools teach, and the lessons are of the Creator's Mind. 

What a glorious Maker we have—so powerful and so filled with love!

Be One with God.

The way to close your mind to evil and be one with God is to say often, God is good.

What is the way to be one with God?

The way to close your mind to evil and be one with God is to say often, God is good.

What is the way to close your mind to evil?

The way to close your mind to evil and be one with God is to say often, God is good.

In the spirit-life WHERE is the home of the soul?

In the spirit-life WHERE is the home of the soul? 

Jesus said

In my Father's house are many mansions. 

I go to prepare a PLACE for you―that where I am ye may be also. 

Where is that place—the home of the soul?

THE soul of the butterfly, which will become a finished, matured form is as much concealed while it creeps upon the earth in the shape of a caterpillar, as when lying dormant in its chrysalis―

It is as blind, but it has some senses through which outer impressions are conveyed to it.

Let the chrysalis answer to the dormant state in which, for a longer―or shorter space of time―the soul must lie in its transition stage toward its new birth.

For not instantly are the interlacings, which bind the soul to its earthly frame ever broken.

Now the caterpillar can move about in search of food to supply the elements from which the newor true form will be built through the metamorphoses going on within it

So, as you move through earth-life, the elements are contributed through every emotion and experience of your life, as well as from the emanations from your earthly frame from which your soul —the clothing of your spirit—is buillt.

There is not an act
a thoughtor a loathsome diseasebut leaves some impress on the soul, as well as does purity and cleanliness of person and motives. 

This cannot be too thoroughly borne in mind.

Our caterpillar can feel. 

It is covered all over with bristling hairs, which are like papilla to convey intelligence of every touch to its perception, but approach it, menace it with a stick, it does not stir unless one of those feelers are touched—touched either by the objector by an unusually strong wave of air. 

And it curls up the same in the dampor in the rain.

When it has become a butterflymenace him again with your stick. 

Does it wait for you to touch it with it? 

It can see now as well as feel. 

As it wings its flight through the palpitating ether, does life seem the same to him flooded with the warm sunlight
with leafy retreats and multitudinous soundsas when deaf and blind it crawled in the damp mould?

Yet it is the same world
only it now is alive to it all—it has new powers and is free to use them to their fullest extent

It lives upon a higher plane than does his fellow-worm. 

It would not be possible now for it to feel existence as it once did in its old shell! 

And if it could
through any one of those feelers made to sense outward thingscommunicate with his brother caterpillar

Do you suppose the caterpillar could at all comprehend what a different life it was
sensed outside of his shell prison?

Does this figure convey a comprehensible fact to your mind?

It is the same that Paul meant when he said

Now you see as through a glass darkly, but there face-to-face. 

Jesus said

In my Father's house are many mansions

if it were not so I would have told you.

The apostles came from many different walks in life. 

They came—not of themselves—but were chosen because of the fitness of their spirits to the work, which the eye of the Master could see.

Though they had the one essential thing of spirit in common, having so many differing characteristics, each must have felt different soul-needs necessary to his  perfect happiness when he entered into the promised reward for all his labours and sufferings on earth.

The mind of Peter
the humble—ignorant—most faithful disciplewhen its earthly mission was performed would require widely different means of development than that of Lukethe cultivated, polished and opulent physician! 

Jesus, recognising these different needs, comforted them with the promise of different homes suited to the wants of each.

I go to prepare a place for you the Master said. 

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myselfthat where I amthere ye may be, also.

Their place was to be with him
or where they could communicate with his spirit because they followed him and carried on the same spiritual work that He began and revealed in his lifetime on earth. 

Do you think any would cease to work in the spirit- life?

The place in the spirit-world where a soul finds its home depends upon the spiritual status of that soul.

It is not the amount of earthly culture—or knowledge that he may be possessed of—

Not even his moral rectitude—works of charity and goodwill—

If such works proceed merely from a sensitive nature and unwillingness to witness suffering. 

Spirituality means more than this—

It means the obligation, which every soul owes to its Creator by which  you prove yourself a true son and daughter of the Father—

In putting your strength—be it much or little—to the task of furthering the good of humanity—

In helping any and every soul to recognise the spirit of God within himself—

In witnessing the glory of God in every creature and creation that He has made.

For God's glory consists in his creations. 

And the only possible way of serving God is in helping on the triumph of the good in all creation partaking of the Odic Force—or Will—until all opposing the good is eliminated from every individual spirit to God's eternal and everlasting glory!

But in the place—or plane upon which the spirit may be located—to which he gravitates by the poise of his own equilibrium, there are many mansions indeed—different localities—as there are on earth, where every spirit's mind may be fed according to its development and capacities.

Some souls hunger through all their earth-life for some want of their intellectual powers—or of their affections, which circumstances do not allow them to fill. 

Such a want is like a missing stone in a foundation—it must be supplied before the superstructure can be built. 

No outer circumstances fetter the spirit in the spirit world.

Its condition depends upon what it carries within itself, and it is attracted to the sources, which will supply the want it feels. 

For the spirit is a thought-world.

Souls develop and gain in strength and grandeur by the knowledge which they acquire of all things.

But whether he be high or low—first or last—in place depends upon the spirit—the light that is within him—

Thus, some very gifted and nobly cultivated souls will be found upon comparatively low spiritual planes, while those possessed of quite little knowledge of the universe—or of its laws (as frequently will those who passed to spirit life in embryo or babyhood) will have their homes or true place high in the gradation of spiritual life. 

They may be able to transmit much spiritual light, too, yet be so wanting in wisdom and will, (which comes of knowledge), as to wield little power on their own plane.

But the great soul possessed of the small, undeveloped spirit upon the low plane is not an entirely contented or happy soul because he feels his faculties always constrained and restricted through the dimness of his own spiritual perceptions. 

He needs more light. 

When he fully realises this, he gives up all else and seeks for light alone, which may be transmitted to him perhaps by one far smaller in soul-stature than himself. 

He must become very humble to recognise this and be grateful for such help.

Thus, it is that of such—those who are become humble as a little child—are the kingdom of heaven.

And in that kingdom—the place of high spirituality—all are happy entirely because there is plenty of light by which they can view all things in peace and joy, knowing all things to be right and good, and can progress continually without any hindrances coming from their own personality.

And you may perceive from all this that the home of the soul may change with the changes wrought in itself through the eternal progressions of the soul.