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08 January 2025

What does God say about your suffering?

The bleakness—that sunlessness of life's aspect is but a passing phase—is but a most necessary test to see if the physical will is indeed bound to that which is divine within.

Bog landscape at winter, Kakerdaja Bog, Järvamaa, Estonia | Abrget47j/Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 3.0

So long as the world goes on, these battles between the physical and spiritual will continue—that very natural shrinking, which you feel in regard to others going through the same experience—that of loneliness and as it seems to you isolation from the Divine Presence, the battle will be waged until the enemy is overcome.

It is something like this—hard though the road may be, numerous the enemies, many, many the disappointments, yet here and now say—

I am safe and sound because the protection is complete! 

Soon the weariness will be forgotten and the pains of the body and vexations of the soul past and gone, and all the advantage lies in your own hands—the experience gained is a possession, which no one can take from you.

In spite of everything, you are still captain of your soul, still following your great Leader on and on! 

Would you deny the brave pioneer spirit that which would mean to it more than words can express—that which will be shown in most marvellous detail when the body is laid aside—that which will arm you with power, joy and peace, which nothing can destroy? 

For the sake of suffering a little while on earth, would you debar from the great, immeasurable gain that is waiting for you just a span in front?

Try and understand—try to look at things a little more from the Creator's point of view—try and understand how He feels when memories are too acute—how His Love suffers when you allow the darts of physical life to become embedded in your heart.

Yes, try and put yourself in the Father's place.

How can I become a child of God?

What does God want to do with my life?

Would that all mankind would realise its grandeur and simplicity and mould their lives accordingly while upon the earthly plane. How much better they would then be able to enjoy the many beauties which God has placed about them, ever with the thought for their happiness, yet how many heed them not and pass with unseeing eye and heedless step, crushing beneath the careless foot many a tender and beautiful thing in plant life as well as human.

Mark these expressions of thought, for to the thinker, as well as the unthinker, they will mean a lesson worth study.

God gives us all we have, so why not endeavour to live our human lives in such manner as to be able to stand before Him when the call comes and say to Him

Dear Father and Friend, I have tried to do my individual part—if I have failed, I grieve for my weakness in not being able to follow your command, but I have tried honestly to live in the right thought and follow in the pathway of truth.

—Clifford  in Spirit

How does failure build courage?

Failure should be an impossible word in every tongue. Courage and Failure are enemies, therefore place them face to face on equal footing. You will soon find Failure falling back step by step, growing smaller and smaller until it disappears and Courage steps forward with Grand Purpose—victors both. This is another little lesson, which I hope may be absorbed by all.

—Friend X in Spirit

How can I live a life of love?

I live and lovethat sums up all my life at present. What greater happiness can befall a soul?

Hairy Toad Lily – André Karwath (CC-by-SA-2.5)

How much weight is on your feet?

Why, it takes more energy on earth to put one heavy foot before another heavy foot and to propel the hundred or two hundred pound body a mile than it takes here to go around the world!

—The Judge

How does belief affect your life?

The law of life is the law of belief.

Joseph Murphy

Can you have wisdom without love?

Marriage, to be perfectly harmonious must be a mutual agreement between two parties on an equal footing. Man is not complete in himself, neither is woman. United, they form a perfect whole. But because they are not complete apart, does it follow that one is greater or less than the other? Certainly not. They are and always were the two halves of a whole—neither is perfect separately. If man is the type of wisdom and woman of love, wisdom is incomplete without love and love is not perfect unless joined to wisdom. Both are equally good, equally necessary, but to be enabled to shine forth in their brightest lustre, they must be united.

—Mary Magdalene in Spirit

How does the soul feel after death?

Where does the spirit of the dead go?

What happens to the soul when you pass?

How to stop being spiritually blind?

How can we be spiritually blind?

Where does our soul go after death?

How can we be spiritually blind?

How can we be spiritually blind?

Do you forget that it is the spirit and not the body that is to live forever? 

Do you forget that you brought nothing into this world with you and that you can take nothing earthly away? 

How can you be so blind to these things? 

How can you wrap yourselves up in careless ease and indifference about a future state when you know that it will be forever and forever
that this life is only a short probation for that, and here you must make those preparations that may decide the destiny of your souls for ages? 

We do not hold to the doctrine that punishment is eternal
we know it is not. But there are punishments in a future state quite sufficiently severe to make you earnest to avoid them if you rightly understood these things.

What an awakening is yours when the portals of the grave are passed and you enter that unknown spirit world! 

There you will find a purgatory indeed from which no priest or prayer can save you—a purgatory from which you might have escaped had you only known how to act on this earthly plane. 

Had your spiritual teachers taught you to work instead of pray—to cultivate the higher nature within you, the God-principle implanted in every breast—had they taught you to control yourselves, to love and help your fellow (wo)man, irrespective of degree or station, rather seeking out the debased and vile as objects of your care, and doing to everyone as you would be done by—how different your awakening would be in your spirit home! 

But the (wo)man who has done his work while on the earth, cultivating the interior principle, while not neglecting the body
who has fed his spirit with deeds of kindness and mercy, following in the footsteps and example of Jesus, self-denying, patient, charitable, and full of love for his fellow (wo)man, not merely relieving his bodily wants, but also nourishing his soul with heavenly manna—he will find when he enters on his new state of existence what a beautiful spirit body he has prepared for himself—what crowds are waiting to welcome him and to see him clothed in it! All the poor afflicted ones that he may have relieved or soothed on their dying beds will be there—all the bright spirits who have aided and strengthened him in his daily walk will be there—these and many others that he never knew, but who have watched his course approvingly will welcome and conduct him to the bright and glorious home—the mansion he has prepared for himself in the Heavens!

No priest, no prayer can save you from your own evil deeds—in your own hands is the remedy. Cultivate your higher nature. Elevate your soul
that portion of God's nature implanted in you, and do deeds worthy of them. Let truth and love reign in your heart and universal benevolence guide your actions to your fellow creatures. If such principles obtainif this brotherhood of feeling and acting be established, your soul and spirit will grow together in beautiful proportions, and the change called death will be looked upon as merely an opening to a better life instead of being regarded as a thing of dread and horror.

—L. D. In Spirit

What is the right to express opinions?

When each is permitted to 
assert their own opinions, they will exchange ideas on an entirely different footing and soon find that what appeared to be wide differences in their views are only imaginary distinctions—that in reality they are very much of the same way of thinking and they will then enjoy truly harmonious interchange of thoughts and feelings and love and peace will reign in their bosoms.

L. D. In Spirit

How do you follow God's footsteps?

The design of the spirits is 
not to do what we came into the world to do for ourselves, but to make us happy and harmonious while doing it—to influence us to do right
to avoid evilto conquer all wrong feelingsto subdue all evil tempersto feel love and kindness for all, irrespective of station, educationor moralsin fact, to follow in the footsteps of that blessed Teacher who has so long waited in patient expectation that the world might follow His teachings, and who is still ready to give His influence to help them to do so.

Lorenzo Dow In Spirit

What is the unseen world?

The unseen world is filled with spirits of different 
kinds, some highly developed, others comparatively low and debased, but all striving to gain a foothold in the hearts of the human family—the former to benefit (hu)mankind, the latter themselves. Where there are aspirations and desires for a holier and purer life, these holy and pure spirits find a lodging. They can enter in and dwell there, and by their influence produce the desired results, and with them a peace and joy, a trusting and comforting reliance on their aid that can remove all anxiety, fear
or doubt under the most trying circumstances.

—Lorenzo Dow In Spirit

Who are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

Have you ever dreamt of being in heaven?

O, most enchanting dream! It must have come from heaven!

Brother, from thy couch arise
Angels seek thee from the skies,
Calling thee from dreams away
To the duties of the day.

Yet, before the morning light.
Burns away each shade of night,
Let me paint before thine eyes
Visions of my Paradise.

Seest thou not that seraph bright,
Hov'ring near in clouds of light—
Floating on the viewless air,
Dressed in raiments radiant, fair?

How she longs to speak to thee
Of her Heaven of Purity—
Of those fair and lovely Bowers,
Blooming with immortal flowers!

Listen to the words of love
She would waft from realms above,
Asking thee to come and dwell
With her in the Eden Dell.

Gently does she breathe to thee—
Father dear, mourn not for me,
For thy darling child has found
Peace and Joy on hallowed ground!

Turn thy vision now above,
To the Land of Truth and Love,
And among the stars which shine
In that Canopy Divine,

Trace thy little angel-child
Spared to thee on earth a while,
Then, ascending to her rest,
Found it on the Saviour's breast!

Brother dear, see here displayed
Beauties which can never fade,
Joys belonging not to time,
Joys immortal and sublime!

Dreamy sleeper, soon thy soul
'Mid these pleasures will unfold,
Seeking there, among the Blest,
The Eternal Day of Rest.

From the slumbers of the night,
Wake now to the morning light,
Lab'ring, with the knowledge given,
To prepare mankind for heaven.

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