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Showing posts with label Omni's Revelations. Show all posts

24 November 2021

The soul always seeks growth.

The soul always seeks growth. As you are a growth-seeking being, growth is what your soul seeks at all times.

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 10, Sexual Behaviour, 111-2

The good Samaritan (after Delacroix) | Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) | Kröller-Müller Museum

Who am I? Why am I different?

Who am I? Why am I different?

Remember, self-worth comes from within; it springs forth from self-appreciation.

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 10, Sexual Behaviour, 115

User Designpeter from Wikimedia Commons | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Everything must come from within.

Everything must come from within.

Malala Yousafzai | Southbank Centre | Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

One person can change the world.

One person can change the world.

True power comes from within and does not seek to dominate or control any other being. False power, the power that is based on feelings of lack, always involves manipulation and contains a sense of power over, even if this is subtle. As you become increasingly more aware of your non-physical self, you become increasingly more powerful.


John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 10, Sexual Behaviour, 114-5

This drawing depicts control, punishment and reward in ABA therapy | User MissLunaRose12 from Wikimedia Commons | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

20 November 2021

What is the driving force of all life?

What is the driving force of all life?

Desire is the driving force behind creation. Without it, nothing would exist. Desire is a powerful engine, which drives the creative process.

We are feeling beings, and it is your feelings that drive you towards making all major decisions.  Your feelings are your friends.


John L. Payne, Omni Reveal the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 4, We Create Our Own Reality, 44

A diagram of the geological time scale | United States Geological Survey

18 November 2021

The Universe always delivers unto you that which you focus on.

Your mind, the you that exists in your head so to speak, moulds universal energy with thought to create a world in which you can live. All exists within the mind of God, within your mind. It is as real as you want it to be. Envision joyful expansion into a new consciousness, and it will be yours. Assume that the transition into the New World will be challenging and full of disaster, and this too will be yours. It makes no difference what the majority is thinking; your unique world, which is you, cannot be touched by them unless you invite them by directing your attention to the subject. The Universe always delivers unto you that which you focus on.

The Universe always delivers unto you that which you focus on.

Remember, the Universe is a place of vibration, of energy. As you shift your focus away from what you have been doing towards something new, you begin to align with that new thing. In this way, you invite new circumstances to enter your focus. Choose to achieve what you want without adding the ingredient of pain. Pain and struggle are not necessary, but they will remain until you decide that they no longer give you what you want and that you can achieve more without them.

It is consciousness, thought, that creates circumstance, that creates worlds and destroys them. Choose to shift your focus freely and with ease, and free and easy it will be. It is as simple as that.

If you focus on disaster, the Universe will deliver that to you as gladly as it will deliver peace and prosperity to you. It cannot be any other way, for that is the nature of the Universe in which you live.

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 1, Who or What is Omni? 11-3

The evolution of the Universe from the big bang to the present. | User TheAstronomyBum from Wikimedia Commons

15 November 2021

What are the FOUR KEYS to HAPPINESS?

 What are the Four Keys to Happiness?

OMNI encourages us to begin the daily conscious practice of these tools. Each tool has equal importance; no one tool is more important than the other. Meditate upon them, write things down. Remember, when you write things down, you bring into form a thought or an idea. This is the first step in manifesting the subject of your attention, making it real for you.

Self-appreciation enhances your ability to create through the acknowledgement of your gifts.

Allowing is the key to living a life full of love.

Gratitude makes you magnetic to abundance. What you focus on, increases.

Forgiveness leads to health and well-being. If you are unwell, there is always something to forgive. Forgiveness is remembering the truth of who you are.

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 2, Universal Laws, 26-7

12 November 2021

But I didn't want this circumstance to come into my life.

We hear you say, But I didn't want this circumstance to come into my life. And we would agree that there are many things that you would indeed not purposefully invite into your life. Once you come to understand the Law of Attraction, you will begin to understand that whatever you direct your attention to is invited into your experience. You will also begin to know that there is no difference between negative attention and positive attention.

Whatever you direct your attention to is invited into your experience.

Your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite. Once you realise this law, you can choose to react in one of two ways. You can either see yourself as a victim of your own limited and fearful thinking, or you can celebrate the knowledge that you can have whatever you want and that you indeed have all the power you need to create it. This knowledge is a great source of freedom, for you no longer need to look outside yourself for that which you desire. No longer do you need to seek permission, either consciously or subconsciously, because knowing that the four principles are part of who you are, you can surely know that there is no higher authority in your life than you. You are it! The buck stops with you. In fact, it begins there, too. You are the sculptor, and your life is your sculpture. You are the artist, and your life is your canvas. You are the playwright, and your life is your script. So what scene are you going to write for yourself next?

So what scene are you going to write for yourself next?

Everything you have in your life can be traced back to an idea or belief. This applies equally to those things you consider to be positive and those you consider to be negative. In truth, there is no positive or negative, right or wrong, good or bad. There is only experience. Your primary motivation for coming to this planet was to master the experience of life on Earth. Therefore, all experience is valid. It is your interpretation of the experience that makes for happiness, or otherwise. You can choose to see yourself as a victim of circumstances or you can choose to reframe the negative into the positive and learn from your creations. As you begin to learn from your creations, you begin to define more clearly what you want, and as you do this, you begin to focus more clearly on your goals and desires. Then that which you long for begins to come into your life much more rapidly because your attention has shifted away from that which you do not want towards that which you do want.

Thoughts are energy, and like all energy, attract similar energies unto themselves. This is the principle of resonance.

Thoughts are energy, and like all energy, attract similar energies unto themselves. This is the principle of resonance.

That which you think of has a corresponding resonance, or energy match, with many objects and circumstances. As the entire Universe is energy, including the matter that makes up this book, this principle applies to circumstances, material objects, and people. Your unique way of viewing the world will affect the way in which you experience it as well as affecting the things and people that manifest in your life. For example, if you consider money to be a great source of freedom and you feel very free to express yourself, free to be who you are, then you will automatically draw more money into your experience because there is a vibrational match between the object, in this case, money, and what you think and believe.

To understand this law more fully, you need to understand that the creative energy that is at your infinite disposal is completely neutral. We have said that you are the physical extension of a non-physical being and that being, rather than being a raindrop that has sprung forth from the rain cloud of God, is an extension of All-That-Is that has projected itself into physical reality. As this extension, you are tapped into the unlimited source of life force energy, the same energy that created the physical Universe in which you have placed yourself, the same energy that is used to create all that you see in your reality. This energy could not be anything other than neutral because it allows itself to be formed and moulded by your thoughts. As this energy is neutral and because it is moulded by your thoughts, it does not know the difference between what you want and what you do not want.

Because you have been given free will and you exist in a Universe of free will and choice, this energy, which is the All-That-Is, can only, and will only, be formed by what you are thinking. So when you want to attract something into your life and you do nothing but think of the lack of that thing, then the Universe can do nothing but bring you more of what you are thinking, more lack of the very thing that you say that you want. The Universe does not judge whether or not what you want is good or bad; it simply is, and it responds to your every thought, to your every whim.

The Universe does not judge whether or not what you want is good or bad; it simply is, and it responds to your every thought, to your every whim.

This life force energy does not understand the difference between want and do not want. It only follows and supports thought. Energy follows thought, not the other way around. So as your thoughts are focused on what you fear, or things you do not want, or are displeasing to you, the ever-faithful life force energy of the Universe, that very same energy that creates worlds accurately follows your thoughts to bring into your experience that to which you have directed your attention.

The ever-faithful life force energy of the Universe, that very same energy that creates worlds accurately follows your thoughts to bring into your experience that to which you have directed your attention.

Understanding this, you will begin to see that each thing you can think of is rather like a coin. It has two sides. On the one side, you have the having of the thing, and on the other side, you have the not having of the thing. As far as Life Force Energy is concerned, there is no difference between having cancer and not having cancer. There is no difference between having money and not having money, love, and not love, etc.

So when you do your thinking and imagining, align your thinking in accordance with what you want to draw into your life. If you focus on the lack of anything, anything at all, you will get it. If you fear ill health, you will attract ill health. If you fear loneliness, you will attract loneliness. The Universe is not only totally equitable, it does not judge or make decisions on your behalf. You are in charge, you are the boss, the kingpin, the ruler of your own experience, and the Universe cannot, and will not, do anything contrary to that unalterable fact.

Without this neutral response from the Universe, you would not have true free will. So which is it? Do you have free will or do you not? It cannot be both. You cannot be both the creator of your destiny and simultaneously subject to the will of another. The one defies the other. Free will is the basis upon which there is growth, evolution, and experience in the Universe. Without it, all future would be predetermined and every soul would merely be a puppet in a grand theatre.

Free will is the basis upon which there is growth, evolution, and experience in the Universe. Without it, all future would be predetermined and every soul would merely be a puppet in a grand theatre.

It is our intention to help you know that you may have what you want, and do what you want, and be who you want to be. You have extended yourself into physical reality not to prove yourself worthy of a higher authority, but to add to your uniqueness and beingness through the experience of creating in this reality.

On the Earth plane, because matter is dense, and the vibrational rate of energy is somewhat slower, you experience that things come to you in a way that seems delayed. Most people, just as they have launched a new thought about what they want, within a few days begin to think about something different. The Universe responds to you instantly; yes, instantly, and as you think about what you want, it begins to immediately bring it to you. However, it seems that the majority of you change your mind on a regular basis, so the Universe receives as many order cancellations as it does orders!

The Universe responds to you instantly; yes, instantly, and as you think about what you want, it begins to immediately bring it to you. However, it seems that the majority of you change your mind on a regular basis, so the Universe receives as many order cancellations as it does orders!

It seems that the majority of you change your mind on a regular basis, so the Universe receives as many order cancellations as it does orders!

The main reason, in fact, just about the only reason that your desires do not manifest instantly when you want them to, even as you think about them, is because of the other thoughts you are also offering. It all comes down to the balance of your thinking. The Life Force Energy cannot do anything but follow the thoughts you are having. Offer a thought concerning the lack of money, and that is what you will get. Offer a thought concerning an abundance of money, and that is what you will get. The same applies to love, health, and every aspect of your life. So when you look at your life and you see a lack of love or experience a lack of money or experience a lack of health, it has been the balance of your thinking concerning those subjects that has created the current circumstances. If it is love that you want more of, then your life will reflect that want accurately and proportionately according to the balance of your thinking.

It all comes down to the balance of your thinking.

So if your thoughts have been more towards not having the thing you want, then that is what you will get. If your thoughts have been more towards the having side of what you want, then that is what you will get. Each circumstance in your life accurately reflects the balance of your thinking. It cannot be any other way, for, without this accurate command of Life Force Energy, you would not have free will. And as you are a being of free will, the very creative powers that you assign to God are at your fingertips. It is merely a question of adjusting the balance of your thinking towards the having of what you want and you will have it. As you think more and more in terms of having, you will tip the balance of your energy into the having state, and away from the not having or lacking state.

As this happens, the Law of Attraction begins to work for you repeatedly. As you arrive at a greater state of having, you will begin to attract more of this experience to yourself, and the more you attract, the more you will attract, and so on and so on, until you move away from the experience of scarcity altogether. You then begin to realise through your experience that you are indeed God, that you are indeed creator, and that you do indeed have the command of the Universe at your fingertips, and that nothing can stop you from having what you want except your very own thoughts on the subject.

As you think, so it is. It cannot be any other way; it is the law.

Edited—John. L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 2, Universal Laws, 28-32 | accessed 12 November 2021, Trans4mind, Article Library, New Consciousness, passage excerpt from Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creationhttps://trans4mind.com/counterpoint/index-new-age/omni.html

Claudette Colvin, aged 13, in 1953. On 2 March 1955, she was the first person arrested for resisting bus racial segregation in Montgomery, Alabama | The Visibility Project, Claudette Colvin (accessed 12 November 2021 http://www.thevisibilityproject.com/2015/07/08/never-forget-020-claudette-colvin-refused-to-give-up-her-seat-long-before-rosa-parks/)

What is a great source of freedom?

What is a great source of freedom?

The knowledge that your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite.

The knowledge that you can choose to react in one of two ways—

You can either see yourself as a victim of your limited and fearful thinking, or

You can celebrate the knowledge that you can have whatever you want and that you have all the power you need to create it.

This knowledge is a great source of freedom, for you no longer need to look outside yourself for that which you desire.

There is no higher authority in your life than you. You are it! The buck stops with you. In fact, it begins there, too. You are the sculptor, and your life is your sculpture. You are the artist, and your life is your canvas. You are the playwright, and your life is your script.

So what scene are you going to write for yourself next?

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 2, Universal Laws, 28

W. Carter | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

You can have whatever you want.

Your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite.

Realise that your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite. You can choose to react in one of two ways. You can either see yourself as a victim of your own limited and fearful thinking, or you can celebrate the knowledge that you can have whatever you want and that you have all the power you need to create it. This knowledge is a great source of freedom, for you no longer need to look outside yourself for that which you desire. No longer do you need to seek permission, either consciously or subconsciously, because knowing that the four principles are part of who you are, you can surely know that there is no higher authority in your life than you. You are it! The buck stops with you. In fact, it begins there, too. You are the sculptor, and your life is your sculpture. You are the artist, and your life is your canvas. You are the playwright, and your life is your script. So what scene are you going to write for yourself next?

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 2, Universal Laws, 28

Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose | Paul Downey | Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

Whatever you direct your attention to is invited into your experience.

Whatever you direct your attention to is invited into your experience.

—OMNI-Emmanuel for OMNI

Photographs promoting the film Jailhouse Rock depict singer Elvis Presley | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., 1957

11 November 2021

Our Universe is one of many.

Our Universe is one of many

The Universe is a vast and complex place, with many levels, many worlds, and many realities.


John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Scotland, UK, Chapter 1, Who or What is Omni? 9

ESO | S. Brunier

08 November 2021

Love is the basis of all creation.

Move into an experience of allowing, acceptance and love. As you do this, you will experience more peace and harmony. Love is the basis of all creation. Love is part of your higher purpose. Without Love, you cannot create your heart's desires, for as you lack love for others, you lack love for yourself, and as you lack love for yourself, you lack acceptance and allowing, and without allowing nothing can come into your life. First, you must think it, then you must feel it, and then you must allow it. That is how you create. That is how worlds were created, imagined, desired and then allowed!


John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, Florida, U. S. A., Chapter 3, How Can We Stop Judging, 41

Henri Matisse, La danse (The dance, first version), 1909 | Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller in honour of Alfred H. Barr, Jr, Museum of Modern Art, New York City, New York

Henri Matisse; La danse (second version) | State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia