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Showing posts with label Living With Spirit. Show all posts

31 December 2023

There is no end.

There is no end.  

There is no beginning.  

There is only the infinite passion of life.

―Frederico Fellini

Artist's concept shows the Kepler spacecraft | NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech

24 December 2023

I can feel the seed in my hair now!

I can feel the seed in my hair now!

I shall make it a study for a future life.

It is the serene and quiet spots and people who are the anchors for those who must toss and struggle in the thick of things.

You want to believe in the future life.

You want to believe in the future life. 

As the world, in the fullness of time, has received new dispensations, except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter therein.

If you are true and good, you have your reward in the companionship of radiant souls, and in the joys of the higher life; having here built up the Kingdom of Heaven within you, you awoke at home.

Poor tired boys!

Poor tired boys!

Spirit-lives see them as they fall and hear them call—

Mother, where are you? It is dark and I am so tired and so afraid is what they hear again and again until their hearts ache with the pity of it.

So very many are just boys in their teens and have no more hate in them than if they were ten.

When these incarnate again—and they will soon—they will be born with such a passion for peace that war will be impossible.

They will die for peace, but never again for war.

Their suffering cuts so deeply— it will impress the next incarnation.

Never mind, sister, I used to cry too at first, but I see now that a lasting peace is bought by the lives of those who go out hating war.

The Origin of Christmas

Christmas, a church festival commemorative of the birth of Christ, has just been held by a great number of Christians. Do you know anything as to its origin?

What you call Christmas was not held by the early followers of Jesus. 

It was not until a later period that the Christian Church introduced that, with many other corruptions, into their system. 

They found the people wedded to the observance of this festival, which had been held for ages in many nations of the East, and they very cleverly gave it a new name and made it a great Christian festival. 

It had its origin amongst the Sabeans who, when they observed the aspect of the heavens at the winter solstice spoke of it as the birth of a new or virgin sun and hence the joyous festival at that time of the year.

Was Jesus born at that time of the year?

The proper date of the birth of Jesus was about the middle of your summer and about our harvest time.

The beginning of our year would be about two months before yours.

―Hafed, Prince of Persia

23 December 2023

The angels sang on that first Christmas night.

You know, mother, they tell me here [spirit-world] that the angels, who are a band of highly developed spirits, did sing on that first Christmas night, and that those men in the fields saw and heard them with their clairvoyant and clairaudient vision. 

All the great spirits here rejoiced then because they knew that once more, the earth was to have her evolution speeded up by another manifestation of the Almighty God within a very few years from the birth of that little Hebrew boy. 

I thought you would like to know that.

—Spirit Tiny

Visible Earth, Lena River Delta | USGS EROS Data Centre Satellite Systems

27 November 2023

Be still and know that God is God.

Give testimony of the truth that is in you but do not attempt to muzzle the hounds that bay the summons to the Witches' Sabbath.

Enter the Holy Temple and shut the door―

Invoke the angels. 

 The baying of the hounds cannot drown the music of the angel voices.

Be still and know that God is God.

26 November 2023

Not so with Him.

So little did his ethereal body blind the sense of spirit that He could converse with the angels, as one of their own order, who was cognisant of their life and remembered his own part in it before incarnation. 

Sun dogs during sunset outside of New Ulm, Minnesota, United States –  Erik Axdahl CC-by-SA-2.5

Glory to the advantages of spirit-life!

Glory to the advantages of spirit-life! 

Friendship, love and truth characterise spirits of a progressive order. 

Spirit associations are rendered agreeable from the fact that frankness is manifested and participated in by all. 

No deception or disguise is indulged by spirits but each comes to the work with simplicity and unfeigned interest, as manifested in the earnestness of every spirit.

Gathering together those whose opinions are varied and who dissent from each other, for the purpose of hearing ideas adverse to their own is one phase of spirit associations, which produces a stimulus that enlarges the capacity of understanding. 

Spirits know full well that it is for their benefit and reap the reward with feelings of gratitude. 

Many spirits wend their way through a thorough course of instruction by the aid of such associations. 

These call together a class of spirits whose truthfulness, integrity and honour abound in intellectual pursuits; some in one direction and some in another. 

They combine with love of wisdom and of each other.

Nor is this the only phase of association in spirit life.

Spirits are associated with a class whose high moral standing is such as to render them, through congenial and sympathetic regard, accessible to the hearts of all classes; overpowering them with the effulgence of spirit emanations and impressing with a fervour so strong that the impenitent yield as readily as the sun clears away darkness. 

Opportunities are given through this source for all to improve; these spirits delighting thus to work for the good of others, the purity of their lives being freely imparted to those desiring elevation.

Spirit association is a principle from which we may draw many conclusions. 

One among the many is the propriety of being true to yourself, never letting deception mar your spiritual growth. 

Pour a flood of light wherever the feet tread, disarming pride, vain display and attempts to be what you are not. 

Let sympathy greet the feelings with a flood of intelligence, pouring the balmy effulgence of light into the hearts of all, and lifting the veil of estrangement.

25 November 2023

22 November 2023

Light on the Hidden Way

Realise the responsibility of life—

The first thrill of life [spirit-life] may be a terrible agony of remorse—

The painful bursting of the hull.

Then, for the first time, perhaps, comes to it [spirit-life] a consciousness of what it is and what it might have been. 

A reaction from the belief in a literal hell has given many the very comfortable idea that no matter how selfishly and unworthily they may have lived

At death, their sins will be blotted out—

They will begin to live better lives and enter into joy and peace. 

Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

If a child plays with matches and is burned, the loving mother will nurse him tenderly and teach him that his suffering is the consequence of his disobedience. 

Do all she can to soothe and heal, the lesson must be learned.

Thus, if the children of the All-wise, All-loving Parent disobey His laws, the suffering must follow. 

You will enter this life just what you make yourself. 

If you allow your spirit to be cramped, dwarfed and sin-stained, you will find yourself crippled, weak and impure

Unfit for the companionship of the good

Unable to enjoy the spiritual life until you have atoned by long struggle. 

If you persistently resist temptation, and hurtful shadows, and keep your soul receptive to all purifying, inspiring influences, your fitness to receive them will increase

You will enter here {spirit-life] prepared for higher development and purer joys.

The A—Z of Life According to Green Principles

The A to Z of Life According to Green Principles

The Principles of Good Governance

All people are neighbours.

Build partnerships.

Commitment to caring for others to the higher quality of behaviour among human beings.

Democracy and equality.

Environmental protection.

Fundamental values.

Co-operative global approach.

A universal sense of human identity.

Improved understanding.

Core values of respect for life, liberty, justice and equity, mutual respect, caring and integrity.

Pooling information, knowledge and capacities.

Larger, long-term mutual interest.

Meeting basic material needs.

A new vision for humanity.

People should treat others, as they would themselves wish to be treated.

Principles of consultation, transparency and accountability.

Commitment to core values concerned with the quality of life and relationships.

Human rights.

Shared vision and destiny.

Working together.

Using collective power to create a better world.

A vision of one world.

New World.

Flexible and fluid process.

Dynamic process.

Global citizenship.

Adapted from the Report of the Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighbourliness. The writer has inferred those salient points she believes embody the fundamental principles of good governance and expresses her sincere wish that these fundamentals meet the integrity of the Commission’s objectives.

21 November 2023


Beloved of Christ

Keep your star shining bright

Out through the darkness of earth's dreary night.

'Mid toil and confusion of battle and strife

Send out your message of Love. 

It is life.

O souls who are patiently waiting for day

Be not discouraged

Turn not away

For the day that is dawning is gloriously bright

The dreams so appalling will flee with the night.

Press on, my warriors, fear not the fray

We are the conquerors

Our coice obey.

Sound loud the trumpet blast

Happy and free

To tell of the day star that is destined to be.

Harriette Augusta Curtiss and F. Homer Curtiss, Realms of the Living Dead—A Brief Description of Life After Death, the Curtiss Philosophic Book Company, Washington D. C., 1926

20 November 2023

Fix your eyes on the Light.

Christ goes in front

We merely follow after. 

Christand that long, long army, clothed in the beauty of the Spirit, they show us the way, and once our eyes are fixed on the Light, shadow and gloom are lost in the radiance, and each one, as they progress, is able to act as Light to those who are behind.

Zodiac, the Cgrist Messenger

Peablue (Lampides boeticus)—Osaka, Japan

12 November 2023

I tell you mortals can produce gods.

Mind—when disembodied—when freed from material substances—is powerful. 

Material experiences are essential, for its growth in this power. 

The soul—which partakes of the whole of the second form of essenic development in the body—adheres to the spirit. 

The soul adheres to the spirit.

The blood in these material organs promotes the growth and is the life of the material body.

Spirit—being essence divine, the formation of which I have already explained—

Soul, which is electric life—

Material, which is animal life—

Together constitute man. 

The electric maintains the material, for without the electric force, there could be no material—

This element gives vitality and activity, which constitute life. 

This power inert within the body through material development imparts the substance to the spirit, which develops its power, and gives it strength to work out material effects and spirit as one. 

In this wise, the soul—while encased within the physical body—imparts to the spirit, the conditions necessary, for the development of individuality.

At the death of the material body—when the cruder matter is thrown off—the soul unites itself with the spirit, and the two interblend as one. 

The soul is then the envelope of the spirit—the external—

The spiritual intellect controls the whole—even as it controlled the material whole or body, but having more power to produce effects upon the elements, in the positive force of which it now has full control.

But this power can only be attained through material experiences, which impart power towards its development. 

Experience after experience is necessary for cultivating the spirit's growth. 

You require soil in which to plant seed. 

The seed could not expand and develop without the material soil—

Even so, the spirit essence must be planted within the body, and the body develops the soul by partaking of solid substances, which are produced from the soil, equalising its nourishment, drawing from the elements, the mineral, and from the soil, the vegetable, and grows according to its adaptation and composition. 

If the germ of disease is imparted to the foetus, it cannot develop the same strength and vitality that it would if that germ had been omitted.

The rising generation should make this a study. 

Sexual intercourse, for the production of offspring, should not be indulged in unless the bodies are healthy and vigorous. 

Nor should anything of the kind ever be permitted where the natures of the individuals are not opposite. 

Two dispositions that are mentally alike should never unite in the bands of wedlock, for the organic substances, which develop the foetus, are in similarity the same and permit of no variation of the elements required for the production. 

Children produced from such parents do not have the organs, the phrenological organs, thoroughly developed. 

They are more or less indolent in nature, devoid of energy, and subject to carelessness.

All depends on organisation, for future progress, material success, and spiritual culture. 

This should be looked to by all who contemplate matrimony. 

For much happiness could be attained and much suffering and sorrow be avoided by strictly observing this inert law.

If the human race would strive to acquaint itself with proper information in regard to reproduction—

If it would but give one-third more of its attention to perfecting its offspring, there would not be so much degradation and corruption among them. 

I tell you, mortals can, and have produced Gods.

B. H. In Spirit

The Best of Some Things | Images by Toni Frissell)


This Volume—


(Collection of Images by Toni Frissell)

Luisa Rodrigues

Toni Frissell (1907—1988), American photographer, is best known for her imaginative and pioneering fashion photography, World War II photographs, and her informal portraits of the famous and powerful in the United States and Europe.

The noblest man 

In God's great plan 

Is he who will persevere, 

Through boundless love, 

Like that above, 

In deeds that live forever. 

The grandest birth 

Upon the earth 

Is not of rank or fashion, 

But one who shows 

At others ' woes 

His love and great compassion.


The greatest wealth, 

Debarring health, 

Which mortals can inherit, 

Produces deeds 

Surpassing creeds In grand and peerless merit. 

The grandest rule 

To learn in school Is every man's a brother, 

And always true 

To never do Injustice to another. 

The truest strife 

To have in life 

Is found in noble doing, 

Surpassing men 

In action when 

The earth with love they're strewing. 

The Godlike church 

Will ever search 

For ways to save a brother, 

And prove its creed 

In time of need 

By aiding one another. 

The noblest soul 

Will find its goal

In love and deeds fraternal, 

And when at last 

The earth is past, 

Will go to life eternal.


W. H. Smith, The Frailties of Humanity, and Other Poems, 1894, Irving Company Publishers, New York, The Best of Some Things, 103-107