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Showing posts with label Life Here and Hereafter. Show all posts

06 February 2009

If the sad, old world could learn the lesson of unselfish, unseeking service, it would create a heaven on earth

If the sad, old world could learn the lesson of unselfish, unseeking service ~ I mean unseeking of any return ~ it would create a heaven on earth.

Can you understand a little?

We are conscious of a great surrounding goodness and care. We are conscious too that this Care wishes us to be happy, happy beyond all happiness we had ever known before and all here who have developed their spirit lives are filled with love and kindness and thoughtfulness for others. Can you understand a little?

Life is a great teacher

This life is a great teacher. All our old earthborn ideas have to be restudied and for the most part abandoned or revised.

05 February 2009

Mortals are fashioning their future lives right now

Do not think that the mere fact of slipping out of the body entitles one to high thought, spiritual happiness and the multitude of joys which are here. Mortals are fashioning their future lives right now. The diversity here is great but kindness of thought and purpose and a persistent belief in this life will carry one far toward the happiness that awaits them here.

You may look forward to a happiness that will never fade

You may look forward to a happiness that will never fade, a kindly service for others that will give you untold joy.

Know that the only hell is the one we make for ourselves

Know that the only hell is the one we make for ourselves; we need not endure it unless we obstinately hold on to our sins or our old beliefs.

Never doubt the advantages and joys of spirit existence

Never doubt the advantages and joys of spirit existence.

28 January 2009

In helping each other, harmony is attained

We have no disappointments that grieve. Love here is not disappointed. Those who are meant for each other always come into loving companionship. Even circles are drawn together by mutual sympathy and love. Our circle is large, for many, many, wish to hear from loved ones on earth. Yet not an alien thought, not an unwise criticism, not a word, question or look, which is not in accordance and sympathy with the rest. So it is that we help each other; so it is that our plans grow more perfect; so it is that in varying suggestions, in the varieties of study and knowledge, in helping each other, harmony is attained.

We do have the delight of variety, of geniality, of the play of wit, the charm of perfect companionship

It is our pleasure to study; it is our pleasure to help others; it is our pleasure to go to libraries or to other circles to watch their methods of teaching and helping but once in awhile we have, - well, - just that, a good time! Not all here is serious. We are not always studying big problems. We do have the delight of variety, of geniality, of the play of wit, the charm of perfect companionship.

Can you understand?

There is here no background of sorrow or regret; no fear for the future. Many times our joy is an all-pervading contentment. Many times it is an infinite desire to give the world proof of the heavenly life. Sometimes a tender sorrow for those who cannot see or know. Can you understand?

Service is half of our life here

We cannot give a perfect description of this life; there are many things which we know are past your comprehension but we are happy and glad to be of service to those who need us and service is half of our life here. By this statement, we do not wish to make service seem unpleasant. It never is for the joy of helping others is great and it makes our own resting or recreation times happier.

27 January 2009

Congeniality is the foundation

Congeniality is the foundation of friendship here and it leaves no room for friction or jarring notes.

Joy is so closely united with service here that the two can scarcely be separated

Joy is so closely united with service here that the two can scarcely be separated.

Never be afraid of death. It is only the final sleep of the mortal mind and has no power to affect the spirit mind

Never be afraid of death. It is only the final sleep of the mortal mind and has no power to affect the spirit mind, which grows stronger and brighter and more active from the moment of separation, until it becomes so educated and balanced that it is the all-in-all of spirit life. I found it so, for I went to sleep in the mortal mind and discovered at last that I was more vividly awake than ever.

Death to you is a darkened way; to us it is a path of light

Death to you is a darkened way; to us it is a path of light.

The human soul begins here as it left off there

The fact that life goes on without any miracle; that the human soul begins here as it left off there; that there is no wonderful transformation of character; that evil remains evil until the soul turns of its own accord toward the good; that sin does reap its own reward; that there is no hell except the one created by one's own self; that all, all can rise through gloom, disappointment, sin and selfishness, to something high, holy and grand and forever and forever live in happiness andusefulness: Are these things worth the thought of mortals? Think what this would mean!

The example of Christ's life is to us the perfection of religious teaching

The example of Christ's life is to us the perfection of religious teaching and one following it is safe, safe from any harm of doctrine.

Nothing is of more benefit to the world than an understanding of the value of helpful, loving service

I think nothing would be of more benefit to the world than an understanding of the value of helpful, loving service and when one learns that such a life is the one best fitted to progress here, then the knowledge is doubly valuable. We are striving in every way to get this knowledge before the world.

We cannot make the fact too strong that human belief and activity prepare each mortal for his life here

Tell the Christians there to serve others by assuring them of the life here but also that this life depends for its happiness on their own spirit preparation while there. We cannot make the fact too strong that human belief and human activity prepare each mortal for his life here. If the belief and the activity are in the wrong direction, years may pass before they see clearly the true spirit life and come into their own spirit powers.

26 January 2009

Never dwell on the darkened past except to let it lead you into brighter paths

Never dwell on the darkened past except to let it lead you into brighter paths.