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18 September 2014

Reviewing Our Past Life in the Spirit World

The following extract from A Message from Robert G. Ingersoll transmitted by automatic writing through a Philadelphia psychic (1904) describes the spirit author's (or inspirer) state of mind on transition. Feeling too happy to measure time, even had he been able to do so, some time elapses before he awakens to a strange feeling of unrest or more earthly sensations. He becomes alarmed, for he seems to recognise the events appearing before his mental vision as earthly experiences which become stronger and plainer until he feels very unhappy at some of the things he sees and hears. At last he calls his angel guide and requests her to explain this, the first trouble he has felt since entering his new home.

Peace be with you, she kindly answers, you are only reviewing your past life.

Many times during this trying ordeal, the spirit of Robert G. Ingersoll calls on his angel guide and begs her to take him back to earth and to give him an opportunity to purge his work of the errors he knows he has made in his efforts to enlighten mankind.

She tells him he must remain. She explains that he is now repenting of his errors and says —

When you have balanced your errors of judgment against your true lights in spirituality you will find, and believe, that purity and virtue will show a balance over your errors of judgment. This will give you the light to understand the law of eternal justice, which weighs all in the balance. Repent now and try to overcome your errors and you will be helped in every way you desire.

The spirit of Ingersoll ventures to remark —

Does this work keep me in this beautiful world?

The angel guide replies that his spiritual mind will be fully awakened when he has freed it from all errors and that the spiritual laws would give him the power to work out all errors — 

You will understand the laws of the universe and be able to travel all over the earth plane with the swiftness of lightning. Repent now and enjoy the blessings awaiting the pure-minded.

When she has finished speaking, the spirit of Ingersoll thanks her and he continues the work of repentance which he feels sure he has been given to do. While his angel guide seems to be near him her presence does not annoy him, for he seems to feel that, by some strange law or force, he is entirely alone and often, during this trying ordeal, earnestly thanks the mysterious condition which has placed him away from the other spirits. No one spirit enters his presence during his trial. When he realises this highly beautiful light of wisdom, which burns without a flaw, he sends up a blessing to the lights above for this, the greatest judgment ever created—a judgment which all must meet, and yet which carries no disgrace to mark the offender, as none are permitted to witness the record charged up against you. Duty alone bears light, and the searching light of truth burns your soul with the stain of sin.

Sometimes his work is very pleasant. At other times he feels depressed and sad when he encounters an error that has made him recognise the fact that his ignorance of this beautiful world had kept him from assisting his fellow man to greater hope and light. At other stages the events come sailing along in the bright light of purity and love. Then he feels very happy and contented and in the happier state of mind seems to forget the darkened condition caused by errors of judgment or unkindness. He is convinced that no kind or unkind thought, word or deed of his whole earthly life is omitted in this review. Many events he had forgotten all about loom up like angry clouds ready to deluge him for some angry thought or word toward mortal foe. But the light of reason, now so strongly burning for his guidance, helps him to scatter the clouds and then the raindrops of purer love awakened in his heart seem to shed forgiveness on his error and it passes out of his sight never to return. In time all these experiences seem to disappear and he feels relieved to find he is still in the same happy condition which had been his before the weighing of his good and evil deeds had commenced.

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