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10 August 2014

Soul Stirrings

Harry is with you now. Notice how much faster I write now? Helen is off on one of the emergency cases she told you about. Oh, I don't know who is in trouble; it is some family party she is mixed up with. She has a great many friends, and it is some of them. Being only more or less of a looker-on, I am not in on her trips elsewhere. I sit round and watch old 'Tee. Tell him he can bet on his little brother Harry sitting tight till he passes up all doctors.

Oh, I loaf round him, sitting on the bed, or close by. I wish I could let Tee in for a good old fashioned talk, the sort with plenty of pauses drifting along through it. I wish he could get my voice, even as near like it as this writing.

Helen is nothing if not a hustler. She has the busy bureau beaten to a finish, always going. Yes, Sister, I seem to be doomed to snag up against the people who work in places I cannot loaf in. I have a sneaking hunch that before long the work bug will begin to burrow into me also. I begin to feel a deep stirring desire to get busy. I feel so well and strong and fine it seems only decent to get into line and lend a boost where it is needed. Tell old Tee I am using him as the dog to try it on. If I make good where I can throw into the job so much heart, maybe I can help a person elsewhere who is simply needy. There is no hurry over here; one can take all the time he needs to decide just the sort of thing he wants to begin on. I never was one to sweat the steers when it came to deciding any vital question.


Harry has gone to rest. This is Helen. I will tell you about V. She is in a beautiful home of her own, with her husband and child. I have not taken Harry yet, as his eyes are not strong enough to bear the light which shines there. He will gain his powers as soon as he begins to take part in the unselfish work.

No, we never tell anyone this. It must come from within. He begins to feel the stir of it already, but there is no hurry. He will soon find his own centre and begin to generate power greater than he needs for his own use. When once he can realise that he will commence work. As yet he only believes it is the old, natural vitality returned. Soon he will begin to see that it is something else, and will wonder what it is; what splendid driving force lies within him, and then the light will break, and his soul will respond in the big way his can. His will be a tremendous power, once his mind, soul, and heart are linked. Trinity it is. Mysterious and subtle; mind, heart, and soul. It is the unison of the three in perfect balance which Tee's brother has, and that is why he lives at such a tremendous rate of vibration. Saints are only just that. Theirs is the life in the Golden Country, where the simshine is brilliant, yet soft as moonlight.


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